Thursday, December 29, 2005

IHC Hike #3: Jakes Creek Trail to Panther Creek Trail to Middle Prong Trail


  • Route: Jakes Creek Trail to Panther Creek Trail to Middle Prong Trail.
  • Total Mileage: 7.9
  • Time Table: 8:40-12:30
  • Description: Jakes Creek Trail was mostly vertical, with some snow on the trail on the way to Jake's Gap. Temperature was near freezing, with ice forming on our gloves, packs, hair, and hats. Coming back down the mountain towards Tremont warmed up and was downhill all the way. There was a multitude of stream crossings on Panther Creek, many more than the four marked in the hiking book. This includes the high water crossing at Panther Creek/Middle Prong trail junction. Cold and wet.  There was no feasible way to cross without getting wet, so we plunged in up to our knees and forded the river. After the crossing travel was quick and easy, going downhill on a well graded, ex-railroad bed trail. Middle Prong trail was fairly crowded, even in the crappy weather. Traffic for the car shuttles was also a pain in the neck due to slow going Floridians, Mississippians, and Ohians.
  • Points of Interest: Survival of high water crossing, cascades, site of Big Daddy Bryson's Little River Lumber Company train wreck, old Cadillac body.
  • Wildlife: Nada

Saturday, December 17, 2005

IHC Hike #2


  • Route: West Prong Trail to Bote Mtn Trail (2.7); Bote Mtn Trail to Laurel Creek Rd (1.2); Schoolhouse Gap Trail to Schoolhouse Gap (2.2); Schoolhouse Gap Trail to Chestnut Top Jct (.2); Chestnut Top to Townsend Wye (4.3). Piggyback: From Schoolhouse Gap Trail we took a .9 mile detour to White Oak Flats and then White Oak Sinks and back (.9 miles).
  • Total Mileage: 12.4
  • Time Table: 8am - 1:45pm
  • Description: Trail from Tremont to Bote Mountain is about 1 mile up, 1 down, and 1 up again. From Bote Mtn Trail to Laurel Creek road is gentle downhill on a wide, hard packed trail. Schoolhouse Gap is a gentle uphill on a wide, hard packed trail. Schoolhouse Gap Trail continues to the park boundary and the trailhead for Scott Mountain Trail, where there is a small cottage and gravel road leading into Dry Valley. Backtracking to the Chestnut Top trailhead, Chestnut Top follows Chestnut Ridge 4.3 miles to the Townsend Wye. There is considerable downhill on this section, and a lot of elevation is lost, so it get's a little steep at times.
  • Points of Interest: Side trail to White Oak Flats and White Oak Sinks
  • Wildlife: Coyote, Deer scat; lots of Deer tracks on Schoolhouse Gap above Turkeypen Ridge trailhead.

Hikers: Dave, Steve, Andy (2nd meeting of the IHC)