Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Friday, February 22, 2008

Headline: School Builds Skills for Life || Friday, February 22, 2008

Finally a practical life skill learned in school. Flash back to 1995. Freshman year. First period English. Mr. Kerr. Sam and I would be among the first to arrive at our English class at good ol' Maryville High. As Mr. Kerr was never there until, well, 5 minutes before the bell, Sam started the challenge of trying to pick the lock to Mr. Kerr's door. 36 broken, credit card-sized pieces of plastic later, we were still locked out. This has been one of the great regrets of my life--never picking the lock to Mr. Kerr's door. That, and not fulfilling our plan of moving one of those concrete curb things that are in parking lots to keep you from pulling too far forward to in front of the same door. It was the proverbial albatross around my neck. Tonight, however, I am vindicated.

Back to the present. We came home tonight, put Myers in bed (light sleeper), only to discover that Bailey, in an attempt to keep Myers out of her room, locked the door and closed it before leaving the house earlier. Good idea in theory, unless you follow the the problem to its logical conclusion of, well, being locked out of the room yourself. As I've not seen the key to the door in question since, well, ever, Jodie busted out the ol' toolkit and I thought back to all those early morning cat-burglar training sessions at MHS. Needless to say, everyone is sleeping soundly in his or her own room tonight.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Singin' in the Rain || Sunday, February 17, 2008

Advice to once or future parents... let this happen some time. It's worth every bit of a set of worn out clothes or even $1.50 in clothes from your favorite neighborhood thrift store (i.e., waste not want not at 5 points on East Broadway). These are even from February of this year. Gotta love East Tennessee weather.