Saturday, May 17, 2008

Get Outside || Saturday, May 17, 2008

We planned to take a trip to Chattanooga this weekend to bebop around a nice, pedestrian-friendly downtown while taking in the waterfront, the aquarium, the discovery museum, etc. But, as gas surges higher and higher, we decided to ex-nay the plans and stay local. I was bummed out about the change in plans, but Jodie, through her cunning research skills, found out about the Get Outdoors Festival. In short, it was a festival for local outdoor activities and vendors and demonstations held at the World's Fair Park. We forgot the camera, so we don't have photographic evidence, but here is the short list of what Bailey got to do--a free tennis lesson, disc golf, geocaching (a new family favorite), kayaking in the reflecting pool behind the World's Fair Amphitheater, and several other booths. We also went up in the sunsphere for an eagle-eye view. After the fair, we walked to Market Square for the Farmer's Market, where there was a couple with a butterfly breed and release program selling monarch butterfly chryssalis's and butterfly attractant stuff to put in the garden (so, of course, we now have a soon-to-be monarch butterfly in the kitchen). From there, Tomato Head was packed, so we went to Subway, where we were fortunate enough to be served by the most self-loathing Subway employee I've ever met. We then walked to the Mast General Store to visit the candy barrels. From there, it was a nice walk back to the car. On the way back through Market Square, Farmer's Market was closing up and there was a guy selling tomato plants and rosemary out of the back of his car. Now, considering my history, I found it ironic that this time it was Jodie purchasing herbs out of the back of a shady stranger's car in a downtown back alley. The trip back to the car was largely uneventful except for Bailey blowing on a whistle pop. Do you remember those things? Well, 33 cents at Mast. What a deal. Anyway, as she was blowing on it, Jodie taught her how to use the slide whistle function, and Myers decided to be her vocal accompaniment. This only slowed us down because we had to wait for me to bash my head into a brick wall every few blocks :)

On the way home, we stopped at the 3 Rivers Food Coop on Broadway, which was great--except for the fact that the smell of sandalwood and pachouli makes me want to scratch my eyes out. Definite shopping spot for future backpacking trips. Dehydrated foods in self-serving hoppers. Beautiful.

Both Bailey and Myers fell asleep on the way home, Bailey with a whistle pop still in her mouth, and a line of blue-ish drool extending from the pop to her shirt. How cute--

Once home, Bailey planted her Garden--cant elope, broccoli, spinach, peas, heirloom green beans, carrots, tomatoes, and another veggie I can't remember right off. Then... dun dun dun... the long awaited.... the oft alluded to... the frequently and fondly spoken of...

Dia de llavandiendo las Botas. (okay... it's been a decade since I took Spanish... leave me alone).

Me. Two Children. Pressure Washer. Water hose. 2 kayaks. 1 canoe. A shitload of craziness. Random tidbit: if a two year old accidently points a water hose with a mist/jet attachment at their own face while pulling the trigger, they are so shocked by the outcome that they are totally unable to release the trigger, thus further serving to soak themselves fully. I got really frustrated with the pressure washer because it kept zonking out, but aside from that, the boats are clean and ready for the season (btw--let me know if you want to go kayaking or canoeing this summer...).

After coming inside to warm up (Myers's feet and legs were purple), we had a quick supper and then went to drive around and gawk at our dream houses in the Maryville City Schools district. We're partial to one that's about 15 feet away from the Greenbelt and 100 yards from Sandy Springs and 125 yards from the Recycling Convenience Center. Ah, sweet pipe dreams (btw, if you own a house the matches the previous description, and you want to give it to us, we'll take it. gladly).

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