Thursday, April 10, 1997

Spring Break Backpacking


  • Route: Day 1: Cades Cove Picnic Area to Anthony Creek Trail to Bote Mtn Trail (3.5), Bote Mtn Trail to AT at Spence Field (1.7) to Eagle Creek Trail to Campsite 90 (8.7); Day 2: Lost Cove Trail to AT (2.7), AT to Mollies Ridge Shelter (6.2); Day 3: Mollies Ridge to Russell Field Trail (2.5), Russell Field Trail to Anthony Creek Trail (3.5), Anthony Creek Trail to Cades Cove Campground Store (1.6).
    Total Mileage: 30.4 miles
  • Notes: 1st backpacking trip with Sam. Campsite 90 is one of the best sites around. On the lake, large, flat.

MHS Spring Break 199X
 Andy, Sam