Monday, May 28, 2007

Mt Camerrer


  • Route: Day 1: Low Gap Trail (.4) to Lower Mt Camerrer trail and Campsite 35 (3.1). 2:15 pm to 3:45 pm.
    Day 2: Campsite 35 to AT (4.1) 7:20-9:10 am; AT to Camerrer Lookout (2.9) 9:10-11; Lookout to Cosby Campground (5.6) 11:35-2.
  • Total Mileage: 16.1
  • Highlights: Timber Rattler & turkey on Lower Mt Camerrer; salamanders at campsite 35; Lookout atop Mt Camerrer, Chainsaw Graves's tampon flavoring; hot fudge cake, game on,
Date: 5-27-2007 to 5-28-2007
Hikers: Aaron, Dave, Jeff,  Sam, Andy

Mt Cammerer May 27-28, 2007

Saturday, May 19, 2007


  • Route: Bote Mtn Trail to West Prong Trail (1.2), West Prong Trail to Tremont (2.7) and back
    Spruce Flats Falls Trail (2 miles roundtrip)
  • Total Mileage: 9.8
  • Time Table: Bote Mtn to Tremont-- 7:05-8:15; Tremont to Bote Mtn-- 2:15-3:10
  • Highlights: Shadowing Tremont program/geology hike
Date: 5-19-2007
Hikers: Andy

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Unsolicited Braggadocio || Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Watch WBIR Channel 10 News on Tuesdays in July to see my smiling face as Educator of the Week! I'll post a more precise date and time as it is revealed to me.