Saturday, June 30, 2012

I heart Cherokee national forest

After watching Myers play in Tellico lake at the boat ramp for about 45 minutes yesterday, we decided to make the swim the goal for today. We beat the record temperatures by heading to Cherokee National Forest/Tellico Ranger District. We played (Davy Crocket) in the water at Bald River Falls, spied Rainbow Trout that were half the size of Myers at the fish hatchery, and hung out at the Indian Boundary beach. It was a full day topped off with ice cream at the A&W drive-in in Madisonville and hanging out with the church youth group at Eagle Rock on Chilhowee Mountain. To top it all off, on Foothills Parkway on the way home we saw one of the biggest black bears I've ever seen. All in all, we drove about 125 miles of errands, adventures, and detours today, which is a small price to pay for getting to enjoy so much of God's creation with my best buddy!