Sunday, September 13, 2009

Indian Boundary and Hooper’s Bald

It’s always a good birthday when you get to head to the mountains. Jean and Dexter took the camper for a weekend at Indian Boundary so we headed up after school Friday and spent the evening. We had so much fun we went back to spend the night Saturday.

Highlights of the trip were--

letting Bailey chauffeur me around the lake in the canoe… she paddled from the campsite to the beach and back, all by her lonesome, steering and all. After five years of canoeing, it finally clicked!

heading to Hooper’s Bald and taking the back way to do some huckleberry pickin’. [as of Dec. 29 I’ll be finishing off the last of the batch the next time I make pancakes. yum!]

canoeing with Myers when he’s settled down enough not to act like a nut—once again, it finally clicked.

getting to spend some good times outside!